2023-2029 University Plan

I. Introduction

          Texas State University created the 2023-2029 University Plan building on the university’s Hopes and Aspirations High vision. Two primary pillars of the Hopes and Aspirations High vision include elevating student success to increase student retention and graduation rates and becoming a Carnegie R1 institution. To support these pillars, Texas State aims to increase recruitment and enrollment, enhance the Round Rock Campus, and reduce administrative burdens. Although much progress has been made, achieving this vision will require conducting a comprehensive review of current strategies, identifying strategies that need sunsetting, conducting benchmarking and data analysis, determining which metrics are most important, setting aggressive targets, identifying strategies and resources needed to meet those targets, and prioritizing those strategies and resources. 

           The development of this new plan was further guided by the fundamental principle that students must be the primary beneficiaries of the university goals, as well as the initiatives supporting those goals. Within this framework, stakeholders sought to balance a complex variety of goals that address, not only student success while at Texas State, but success after graduation. Goals also include advancing academic excellence through new academic programs and alternative forms and locations of delivery; expanding discovery, innovation, creativity, and research activities to align with Carnegie R1 measures; and developing the necessary infrastructure and resources needed to successfully move the university forward.

           Each of the goals includes several detailed initiatives that will be pursued and specific actions that will be taken to accomplish these goals. Holistically, the University Plan provides a unified framework for colleges and divisions, departments and units, and faculty and staff to cohesively direct their efforts toward achieving the Hopes and Aspirations High vision. 

           Texas State recognizes that while this plan primarily serves as a guide for action, stakeholders will continue to monitor the changes impacting higher education and adjust when necessary. The intent of this plan is to provide a template to help establish priorities for the future but not to restrict us from seizing opportunities or responding to external challenges and threats as they arise. It is intentionally perceived as a living plan that can and should be adjusted throughout the years.

           As with previous plans, Texas State will continue monitor progress and conduct mid-cycle reviews of the University Plan by revisiting division, college, and department plans to determine what initiatives have been achieved and what possible new initiatives should be included in the University Plan. During the mid-cycle review, departments, schools, colleges, and divisions will have the opportunity to re-prioritize and add or delete goals, initiatives, and related actions to better address changing needs of the university.